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Managing stress can lead to a happier, healthier life

Many of us have become so wrapped up in our work and our busy schedules that we often lose touch with an essential component of our life — our own health.

The American Medical Association (AMA) notes that stress is the cause of 80 percent to 85 percent of all human illness and disease and every week, 95 million Americans suffer some kind of stress-related symptom for which they take medication.

Stress is extremely dangerous and people need to know how to manage stress before it takes over their bodies. Here is a list of ideas to manage stress.

1• Add something beautiful to your life on a daily basis — for example, flowers. 
2• Do some enjoyable activities whenever possible. 
3• Walk, work, and eat at a relaxed pace. 
4• Take a short break after meals to relax. 
5• If possible, go outside at least once per day and notice the simple things such as the weather, scenery, etc. 
6• During the day, whenever you remember, notice and relieve tension in your body. Breathe deeply and gently stretch and relax any tense areas. 
7• If you notice your mind racing or worrying about the past or future, take a minute to breathe deeply and gently focus on something in the moment such as your breath, scenery, or birds. 
8• Take breaks during the workday to relax. 
9• Wear comfortable and loose clothing when possible. Take off your shoes when you can. 
10• Avoid holding in feelings day after day, but instead, find a safe place to feel, express and embrace them. 
11• Get a massage regularly

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