The program that has helped over 1.4 million people now in an APP. Search Stresscenter on both iOS and Android.

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Begin now to change the person you are into the person you know you have the potential to become

calm beach scene

What is it About

It's about living well and taking responsibility for your life on every level, emotionally and physically.

It's about achieving balance... at work, at home, in your relationships. 

It's about motivation, inspiration, solutions, quick fixes, and fresh ideas for living a life without limits.

calm mountain scene with 3 friends appear to be dancing

Begin Today

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 

Learn techniques for unleashing the power within to achieve your dreams.

Learn the secret for transforming the tremendous energy of worry into lifelong personal and financial security. 

calm image of a room with relaxation tips

Take Action

The secret is that the program only works for you when you take action.  If you want a different result than you are now experiencing in your life,  then you must take action to change your behavior. 

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got”. 

The Stresscenter APP

Our program has been adapted to modern life with mobile versions. This app provides the complete program in a paperless form, along with new features including:

- The original 15 weekly audio sessions and readings with new updates.

- The complete AA&D workbook in a user-friendly digital form.

- A daily calendar to encourage and help to keep you on track.

- An in-app journal that is both convenient and necessary for the program.

- A gallery of soothing images and encouragement.

- Peer Support Forum access right from your phone!

Click here for more info

A screenshot of the new app. Find the Stresscenter APP Our program has been adapted to modern life with mobile versions. This app provides the complete program in a paperless form, along with new features including:  - The original 15 weekly audio session

Get it on iOS Today!

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Peer Group Forum Browse and read postings from past and present Attacking Anxiety and Depression program users.  You must be registered in order to fully participate in the General Public Forum.

Peer Group Forum

How does the program work?

Image of woman looking out her window. xOne Session a Week First, we suggest that you work with one audio session  and one homework session per week.

One Session a Week

First, we suggest that you work with one audio session  and one homework session per week. Read the first few pages in the workbook. You’ll find a recommended schedule for making the program a part of your daily life. Listen to the audio three times during the week. Listen for skills and thinking changes that you can use immediately. Do the reading and homework in your workbook after listening to the audio at least twice.

Woman at her computer. Magic in the Writing Second, keep a journal (the APP has an icon at the bottom of the screen). At the end of the day, write about your feelings that day. Answer the question: Why did I feel that way? There is magic in writing.

Magic in the Writing

Second, keep a journal (the APP has an icon at the bottom of the screen). At the end of the day, write about your feelings that day. Answer the question: Why did I feel that way? There is magic in writing. After completing the homework, review the example homework responses at the end of the lesson in the workbook. This written exercise will help you gain insights about how your thoughts and actions might be causing some of your problems with stress, anxiety and depression.

No Skipping Third, we ask that you not skip around from session to session. When listening to the audio, use the corresponding workbook session for maximum benefits.

No Skipping

Third, we ask that you not skip around from session to session. When listening to the audio, use the corresponding workbook session for maximum benefits. There are also supplemental DVDs that can be purchased with a video for each week's session.  Go through the program one session at a time consecutively. After you’ve completed the program, you may want to go back and listen to different sessions at different times. 

Learn to Relax Fourth, the relaxation audio is a wonderful tool that you’ll want to use daily, preferably twice a day. It is not hypnotic. It is simple muscle relaxation combined with imagery.

Learn to Relax

Fourth, the relaxation audio is a wonderful tool that you’ll want to use daily, preferably twice a day. It is not hypnotic. It is simple muscle relaxation combined with imagery. Many people who have problems with anxiety find it difficult to relax. This audio will enable you to create an automatic relaxation response.

Be Patient And finally, be patient. You are going to notice some wonderful changes taking place in your attitude and personality in the next fifteen weeks as you move through the program, but positive life-changing skills take time to conceptualize

Be Patient

And finally, be patient. You are going to notice some wonderful changes taking place in your attitude and personality in the next fifteen weeks as you move through the program, but positive life-changing skills take time to conceptualize and put into action. Once you begin to change, it becomes a natural process. Others will notice that you seem more confident, you feel less stressed and anxious, more relaxed, controlled and positive. You will learn to take control of your life in a way that you have never before achieved.


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New Year New You 2023

New Year New You 2023

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AA&D - Leading Medication-Free, Self-Help Program

AA&D - Leading Medication-Free, Self-Help Program

Changing the way we think can be even more effective and long lasting than medication when treating depression and anxiety.

About Us

Our Story

The program has been around for more than 30 years and more than 1.4 million people have benefited from the ‘Attacking Anxiety and Depression Program’.

AA&D is based on and uses the science of cognitive-behavioral modification. Several studies have found the program to be as effective and in some cases more effective than 6+ therapy sessions.

The program has been featured on Oprah, The View, Good Morning America and on many other shows and magazines.

Because the program has been helping people for over 30 years should give you peace of mind knowing that there is a solid history and current treatments still utilize the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

We started as cassette tapes and then to CDs which we still sell. You can now find us on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The Apps allow us to make updates and pass them along with new versions to the subscribers.

Join today to take back your life.

AA&D is based on and uses the science of cognitive-behavioral modification. Several studies have found the program to be as effective and in some cases more effective than 6+ therapy sessions.

Follow @anxietydepressioncure on Instagram. The highlights help reinforce the lessons from each session.