Time Management: Becoming More Efficient and Less Anxious

If you've been stressing about how to best manage your time without getting overwhelmed or burnt out, you are not alone.


Are you stressed and overwhelmed with all the to-do items on your list and in your head? How often do you feel like you aren’t getting enough done in a day?

It's typical for people with anxiety and disorders to plan too much in a day. As a result, by the end of the day you feel exhausted and unsatisfied with the day's accomplishments. This brings on panicky feelings. Your defensed are down. You feel dissatisfied with yourself. Your body is tired; it's the perfect setup fora panic attack.

Here are some guidelines to follow to help you control the amount of energy you use in a day. If you only follow some of them, you will be amazed at how much better you will feel by the end of each day. It will take a little practice and you may even feel guilty at first. Show yourself compassion. You deserve to feel comfortable and enjoy your day.

  • At the beginning of the day or the end of the previous day, take a look at what you need to do in that day. What can you eliminate?
  • Is there something you could delegate to someone else?
  • Break the day down into segments. Choose the most important chores for the day and decide in what order you wish to do them.
  • Take a break during the day to relax and think about something positive.
  • Have a more relaxed attitude toward time. Try not to feel pressured and rushed, slow down and enjoy your time.
  • Avoid irritating negative people if possible. If that is not possible, try to not let them "get to you". Protect yourself by not reacting to them.
  • Avoid caffeine and sugar.
  • Learn to say "NO" to other people's demands. You will feel guilty at first, but eventually feel a wonderful sense of control.

Find additional information in our Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program: A Drug-Free, Self-Help Set Program. This program is now 50% off during the month of April 2020 ONLY and can be found at the website. Enter discount code Helping2020 at checkout.

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