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New Year, New You – Part 1 of 2

Well, it’s that time again.  The New Year.  With everything we’ve been through in this past year, I am certain we are all hoping for a better 2019.  So what is your New Years Resolution?  I did a bit of research and found that four out of five people who make New Years Resolutions will eventually break them, unless they are specific, dedicated, and have a plan of action to follow through.  The top five resolutions are: 

  1. Lose weight
  2. Get healthy/eat healthier, take better care of yourself
  3. Give up a bad habit/smoking, drinking, negative people in your life
  4. Get out of debt, be more financially responsible
  5. Give back/do something for others; do something that makes a difference

I want to help you accomplish your resolution this year.

In our shorter 5 day program, The Solution, we have created a total plan for a New You for the New Year that covers all these resolutions, and more.  But due to limited time and space here, I am going to choose one topic that I believe is “core” to following through on any desire to change and improve yourself or your life.

Before you can change you must understand why you keep doing things the way you’ve always done them, and getting undesirable results. This is related to (ironically) your “Core Story” experience.  Your core story experience defines you and your belief system which will affect who you are, what decisions you make, the confidence you have, even the type of person you date or marry.  I ask you go through a core story evaluation.   This helps you define your core story experience and will show you how to turn it in to something positive and “use it” in your favor.

For example, maybe you grew up in a family where health and nutrition weren’t important, so now you make bad diet and exercise choices so you are overweight and unhealthy.  You can blame your bad health on your family experience or, you can use your past to motivate you to eat healthy, exercise, and break that chain of bad behavior, so you don’t pass it on to your own children.

When you understand your core story, you will understand that much of your reactions, responses, and attitudes to difficult situations are “re-active” as a result of your core story.  In the next email, I will share with you how to break out of the “Re-active living” rut with some Pro-Active Attitude Adjustments. 

Now go live your life.

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