Enhance your mental well-being with our proven online program—support and tools to help you thrive!

Manage Stress, Anxiety & Depression Without Leaving Home

Reap the benefits of the Attacking Anxiety & Depression program from the comfort of your home!

With social distancing of utmost paramount, what better time to have help with stress, anxiety and depression then right from the comfort of your own home?

AA&D is based on and uses the science of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Several studies have found the program to be as effective and in some cases more effective than 6+ therapy sessions.

Our world renowned best selling Attacking Anxiety and Depression Program can be purchased in the following formats:

Hard Copy - The original version of the AA&D program can be purchased in it's original hard copy format version. This includes 15 Audio Lessons, Guidebook, Pocket-Sized Flash Cards and 3 free gifts sent straight to your home.

Digital Download - Receive the full program mentioned above in a digital format that can be directly downloaded to your computer.

Stresscenter App - Now access the Attacking Anxiety & Depression program anywhere, anytime with the new Stresscenter app! The complete version of this new app provides the complete AA&D program in a paperless form, along with new benefits and features including:

  • The original 15 weekly audio sessions and readings with brand new updates.
  • The complete AA&D workbook in a user-friendly digital form.
  • A daily calendar to encourage and help to keep you on track.
  • An in-app journal that is both convenient and necessary for the program.
  • An instant-relief Feel Better Fast gallery of soothing images and encouragement.
  • Peer Support Forum access right from your phone!
  • Bonus audio content and a daily Relaxation audio session.
Join the more than 1.4 million people who have benefited from the Attacking Anxiety and Depression Program without even leaving home!

    Find AA&D hardcopy or digital version - https://stresscenter.com

    Stresscenter App - Download on the Apple App Store. (Android version coming soon).

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